Our service area includes locations within 55 miles of Monument, Colorado. All calculations start from our office. We use Google Maps shortest recommended route to your location as our basis for billing. Each service call is charged an on-site trip fee even if we are already in the same RV park or area.
If your location is within 10 miles, the call-out fee is $130.
If your location is greater than 10, but less than or equal to 25, then the call-out fee is $152.
If your location is greater than 25, but less than or equal to 40, then the call-out fee is $181.
We will consider longer distance calls on a case-by-case basis. Please give us a call for a quote. 719-694-2227.
Note: You are only billed once per incident for the call-out. If non-stocked parts or a second visit is required to remedy your issue, you will not be charged for the subsequent travel. If a thrid or additional trips are required, the trip will be billed at $25.
General Shop Rate
Our current shop rate is $176 per hour. This is well below the industry standard of $185 to $200 per hour.
Fee for service rateS
We have several services that have a single stated fee. These tend to be routine maintenance tasks.
100% Deposit required on all parts orders.
Parts Orders
We accept cash, checks, debit cards, Zelle and credit cards payable at time service is rendered.